Richie Brace Solid AFO by SOLO Labs

Richie Brace Solid AFO

The Richie Brace Solid AFO offers a custom balanced footplate with posterior support behind the leg. The trimlines are cut behind the malleoli to avoid potential problem areas. The Solid AFO also features a rearfoot post and extended forefoot padding.

Richie Brace Solid AFO provides the support you need for lower extremity injuries, discomfort and pain.  Each Richie Brace Solid AFO is custom made to provide a great fit for you.

  • Correction of varus/valgus forefoot deformaties
  • Control hindfoot inversion/eversion
  • For comfort and accommodation of plantar lesions

Scan for AFO's with SOLO

Scan for the Richie Brace Solid AFO using the SOLO viSo app. It’s fast, easy and accurate. (And, there’s no mess involved.)