• What hardware is needed to scan?

    OPTION 1: An iPad Pro that is on the compatibility list.
    OPTION 2:  BOTH an iPhone Pro on the compatibility list AND either an iPad or Mac PC.
    OPTION 3: An iPad AND a Structure Sensor camera.
  • General Troubleshooting

    1. On your iPad go to Settings>Wi-Fi and make sure you are connected to your Wi-Fi network. Make sure you are not connected to a “guest” Wi-Fi, this can cause functionality issues. The Wi-Fi must be a secure connection.
    2. Once the Wi-Fi connection is confirmed, please run a speed test. From your iPad, on the internet Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your Wi-Fi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    3. Kill or swipe away all apps that are running.
    4. Go to the app store and search “SOLO viSo” and check for updates on  your apps.
    5. Reboot your iPad and check your settings again for a Wi-Fi connection.
    6. Call SOLO Labs for further assistance if needed at 800-765-6522.
  • The scans are not saved or missing from the app. It says no internet connection but we are connected to Wi-Fi.

    1. On your iPad go to Settings>Wi-Fi and make sure you are connected to your Wi-Fi network. Make sure you are not connected to a “guest” Wi-Fi, this can cause functionality issues. The Wi-Fi must be a secure connection.
    2. Once the Wi-Fi connection is confirmed, please run a speed test. From your iPad, on the internet Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your Wi-Fi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    3. Reboot your iPad and check your settings again for a Wi-Fi connection.
    4. Call SOLO Labs for assistance at 800-765-6522.
  • The scans take a long time to upload or the wheel just spins when saving scans or orders.

    1. Please run a speed test – Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room where you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your Wi-Fi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    2. Call SOLO Labs for assistance 800-765-6522
  • Orders are duplicated in the app.

    1. Please run a speed test – Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room where you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your Wi-Fi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    2. You can delete any duplicate records that have not been “Sent to SOLO Labs”.  If the order indicates under Status “Sent to SOLO Labs” and it is a duplicate, contact us immediately to cancel the duplicate order.
    3. Call SOLO Labs for assistance 800-765-6522.
  • Required fields are not completed or foot scans are missing. Please check red fields and scans.

    1. Confirm you can see the red feet in the scan boxes on the summary page.
    2. Arrow back to “Order Details” and fill in the order form for any missing information that is highlighted in red.
    3. Once the order form is completed, go to the Summary Page, save, and send the order

Structure Sensor FAQ

  • The Structure Sensor camera is not connecting. I have to unplug it and plug it back in frequently to get it to connect.

    1. Charge the Structure Sensor fully. Your sensor may have initialization trouble if the battery is too low.  Make sure to fully charge it.
    2. Make sure there is a clear connection at the ports and the ports are not damaged or have debris. Clean both ends of the cable with rubbing alcohol. 
    3. Clean the Structure Sensor camera lens, remove the camera bracket, and clean the iPad camera lens. 
    4. Restart your iPad – On occasion, iOS needs a hard restart to be able to recognize the Structure Sensor properly and calibrate for indoor mode using the Structure Calibrator app
    5. If there is still a problem with your sensor not initializing, there may be a cable issue. A replacement cable may be purchased from Structure.io.
  • The Structure Sensor battery is not holding a charge.

    1. Charge the Structure Sensor and the iPad fully.
    2. Make sure there is a clear connection at the ports and the ports are not damaged or have debris. Clean both ends of the cable with rubbing alcohol.
    3. When you are charging your sensor, be sure to swipe away and completely close all the apps and then charge the battery to 100%.  This will ensure no apps are running in the background when you are charging.
    4. Structure suggests running a battery test
    5. You can also contact Structure Support or 650-744-0331.
  • I am seeing a shadow/the scan is offset, or the app says calibration needed.

    1. Clean the lens of the Structure Sensor. Also, take the Structure Sensor bracket off the iPad, and clean the camera lens of the iPad.
    2. Calibrate the Structure Sensor for indoor mode using the Structure Calibrator app

iPad or iPhone Pro/Front Facing Camera FAQ

  • The device needs to be calibrated.

    Call SOLO Labs for assistance at 800-765-6522. Do not attempt to calibrate on your own.

  • The iPad camera is black or the Face ID isn’t working.

    1. Go to settings –  find the model and check if the model is on the compatibility list.
    2. If it is a compatible device, Go to Settings > Scroll down in the apps to viSo ID and confirm the Camera is toggled on to allow viSo ID to access the Camera.
  • Poor Quality Scans in viSo ID.

    You may be seeing seeing dots or pixels on the scanned image; the scanned image doesn’t look smooth, they are fuzzy. 

    You may not be capturing the full image of the foot, there are holes in the scan with missing pixels, or the plantar, medial, lateral, and posterior heel are not entirely captured in the scan.

    1. Always use an iPad Case with a hand strap
    2. Allow the image to fully upload (the blue bar should disappear) before zooming in or moving the thumbnail image.
    3. Before saving each scan, after the image is rendered, zoom in on the thumbnail image using your thumb and index finger. Rotate the image and look closely at the image before saving that you have captured all the areas necessary and there are no holes or voided areas.  You could easily send a scan where parts of the foot are missing if you do not zoom in on each scan to evaluate before saving.
    4. If you see holes or voided areas, it could be caused by not spending enough time on that particular area of the foot or ankle. In other words, there are not enough data points built up in that area to generate a surface.
    5. Select rescan until you are pleased with the results.
    6. Have you watched the demonstration videos? If not, contact SOLO Labs for the video links.
    7. Call Customer Service at 800-765-6522 before the patient leaves the office and we can check the scans.
  • Scans are not saved or missing from the viSo 3 app.

    1. The best practice for saving scans is always to start in the SOLO viSo 3 app and set up the patient information first. When ready to scan, start in SOLO viSo 3 and select “Scan with viSo ID.  Before scanning in viSo ID, confirm there is an order ID in the upper right corner.  If not start over in SOLO viSo 3. 
    2. Please run a speed test – Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room where you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your Wi-Fi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    3. Call SOLO Labs for assistance at 800-765-6522.
  • Mesh Matrix popup message.

    1. Check viSo apps for updates in the App Store.
    2. Allow the images to render – watch the blue progress bar to be sure it is completed before zooming in or moving the thumbnail image. 
    3. Save the image after each scan is fully rendered.  (watch the blue line)
    4. Upload after both scans are saved. Move to viSo 3 after receiving the “upload completed” confirmation.
  • The scans are saved under pictures in the viSo 3 app.

    1. Please run a speed test – Search “speed test” on Google and click “run speed test” on your iPad in the room where you are encountering the issue to make sure you have good download and upload speed when you are scanning and saving the images. Ideally, speeds should exceed 15-20 Mbps. Results may vary based on the number of connected devices and router placement. If your wifi speed is lower than expected, try moving closer to your router or checking your internet speeds with another device. The internet speed can fluctuate in different areas of the building.
    2. Upload after both scans are saved. Move to viSo 3 after receiving the “upload completed” confirmation.
    3. Do not to return to viSo 3 until the viSo ID scans are uploaded. This can cause issues on the server properly matching up the scans with the order. 
    4. Call SOLO Labs for assistance 800-765-6522.
  • The app stops or shuts down during the scanning process.

    Call SOLO Labs at 800-765-6522 for scanning tips.

  • Do I need both SOLO viSo 3 and SOLO viSo ID to scan?

    Yes, the viSo 3 app is the “master app” and uses the viSo ID as the scanner.  ViSo ID is not a stand-alone app so the best practice is to always start in viSo 3 and open the viSo ID through viSo 3 in the scanning page.