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Richie Brace Restricted Hinge

The Restricted Hinge is a modification to the Standard Richie Brace. Designed with a more rigid ankle articulation that restricts ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion to less than 5 degrees, this modification does not disrupt the smooth contact and heel rise phase of the gait.


Scan for AFOs with SOLO

Scan for the Richie Brace Restricted Hinge brace using the SOLO viSO app as an alternative to traditional casting methods.  It’s fast, easy and accurate.  No matter which of the accepted casting methods you choose (plaster splints, STS socks or digital scanning), we have the training tools to assist you.

Casting or scanning is required at least 1 inch above device height you select. We recommend measuring from the floor up, marking the posterior leg, as well as the medial and lateral malleoli before scanning or casting.

A “good” scan or cast must capture:

  • plantar contours
  • the medial and lateral malleolus
  • posterior heel and lower leg higher than the desired height of the brace
  • a solid scan or cast without holes or voided areas


  • PTTD (moderate-to-severe w/subluxed TN joint)
  • Mild Dropfoot (equinus; severe varus/valgus; weak calf)
  • DJD (ankle or rearfoot w/dropfoot & spasticity)
  • Peroneal Tendinopathy (order with lateral arch suspender)
  • Lateral Ankle Instability (order with lateral arch suspender if severe)
  • Peroneal Nerve Injury (order with lateral arch suspender if fixed varus in hindfoot/ankle)

The Arch Suspender

The addition of the Arch Suspender to the Richie Brace Restricted Hinge provides control over the midtarsal joint of the foot.