• Richie Brace Standard

    Richie Brace Standard

    In this series, we asked SOLO clinical specialists Sharon Smith, CPed and Heidi Schroeder to provide insight into selecting the best braces for your patients. What are the most common clinical indications for the Richie Brace Standard? There are many indications…

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  • Inspiration to Invent

    Inspiration to Invent

    In this post, Dr. Richie shares his early experiences developing the Richie Brace. What was the impetus for your first brace? Early in my practice, I found it challenging to fit athletic patients with ankle braces, especially when they wore foot orthotics. I…

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  • Growing Up Richie

    Growing Up Richie

    In this series, we’ll get to know more about what inspired the Richie Brace, and how its inventor became a leader in the brace industry. Getting into medicine was in Dr. Doug Richie’s DNA. Born in the Philadelphia, Pa. area, he comes from a lineage of doctors…

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  • Helping Hands in Our Community

    Helping Hands in Our Community

    Sometimes, a business’s marketing efforts and community outreach efforts can intersect in powerful ways. As part of SOLO’s ongoing marketing efforts, we wanted to be sure our clients knew about Performance RX . This low-profile, high-performance material…

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