5 Ways 3D Printed Custom Orthotics Reduce Our Impact on the Environment

When SOLO considered 3D printed custom orthotics, it was paramount that this new technology met SOLO’s strict quality control standards. We also consider the impact on our environment.  

For years we have recycled materials used in manufacturing including wood scrap, pallets and suede.

Our HP Jet Fusion 3D 4210 printer aligns with our goals of continuously looking for new opportunities to recycle and/or reduce our waste.   

Here is how the HP Jet Fusion 3D 4210 printer reduces our environmental impact:

  1. By providing a low energy consumption per printed part.
  2. HP is an industry leader in surplus powder usability.   
  3. It meets HP Design for environmental goals with over 90% of the hardware able to be recycled or reused. Over 50% of the hardware plastic parts can be printed with HP Multi Jet technology.
  4. Free print head recycling through HP Planet Partners program.
  5. Up to 80% of the weight of used agent and powder containers is locally recycled cardboard.

Comparing 3D Printed Orthotics to Thermoformed Orthotics

For standard thermoformed orthotics, single-use wood molds are milled and then recycled. 3D printing removes the need for wood molds. Additionally, non-recyclable waste from the extrinsic rearfoot posting process is no longer necessary.

Future Innovations

As an innovator in 3D printing, HP is developing materials that are 100% renewable carbon content derived from plants grown without GMOs in areas that do not compete with food crops. These renewable resources are natural and organic and can be renewed at the same speed in which it is consumed.   

Serve Others, Love Others means being good stewards of our resources for future generations. Try our 3D printed custom orthotics today.





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