• Richie Brace Standard

    Richie Brace Standard

    In this series, we asked SOLO clinical specialists Sharon Smith, CPed and Heidi Schroeder to provide insight into selecting the best braces for your patients. What are the most common clinical indications for the Richie Brace Standard? There are many indications…

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  • Smart Dollar Makes Sense at SOLO Labs

    Smart Dollar Makes Sense at SOLO Labs

    We asked Pastor Nathan Herrlin, chaplain at SOLO Labs, to talk about how and why he facilitated a Smart Dollar class at SOLO Labs. Why did SOLO choose Smart Dollar for our employees? Too many people have settled into the belief that stress over money has become…

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  • Little Richie

    Little Richie

    We asked Dr. Doug Richie to tell us about his work with children. What inspired you to create the Little Richie Brace for children? It was a natural progression after the success of the adult Standard Richie Brace. Since the number one clinical indication for…

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  • Get to Know Heidi Schroeder

    Get to Know Heidi Schroeder

    SOLO Labs Employee Spotlight is a great way for us to learn new things about our co-workers. Heidi Schroeder is a familiar voice to our customers. She’s always ready to answer questions and share her expertise. Years at SOLO: 12 Current role at SOLO: Customer…

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